Ban The TV Licence - GovYou
Aug 29, 2012 · A TV is a luxury, if you don't want to pay for a licence then don't buy a TV, it really is that simple. The licence fee funds what is undoubtedly the best Broadcasting service in the world. We are not unique in TV licences. Most European countries have some sort of licensing, unfortunately most others also have adverts as well. Heaven forbid A television licence secures your legal viewing for an entire year and is payable in advance. First-time applicants for a television licence must pay the full annual fee of R265. Renewals must be made annually before the licence expires. Renewal payments may be spread throughout the year at R28 per month. TV Licensing officers caught over 216,000 people watching TV without a licence in 2018/19. Its database of more than 30 million addresses is the main tool for catching evaders. If TV Licensing believes you're watching 'live TV' or using BBC iPlayer without a licence, enquiry officers may pay you a visit. The licence fee is not a payment for BBC services (or any other television service), although licence fee revenue is used to fund the BBC. The requirement to hold a TV Licence and to pay a fee for it is mandated by law under the Communications Act 2003 and Communications (Television Licensing) Regulations 2004 (as amended). We pay an annual TV licence here in France which, last year, was 116 euros - approx £92. This comes with the taxe d'habitation, which is a local community tax. For many years TV shops have had to Jul 13, 2016 · In terms of the Broadcasting Act, No 4 of 1999, any person that has possession or uses a TV set must have a TV licence. Even if the TV set is not used, you need a licence. A TV set is any device You must have a TV Licence if you: watch or record programmes on a TV, computer or other device as they’re broadcast download or watch BBC programmes on iPlayer – live, catch up or on demand A TV
Feb 03, 2020
Pay for a TV licence – or ditch the BBC and watch another Jul 23, 2020 TV Licence fee set to rise as number of viewers cancelling
Businesses, hospitals, schools and a range of other organisations are also required to hold television licences to watch and record live TV broadcasts. The licence, originally a radio licence, was first introduced by the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1923 in November of that year at a cost of ten shillings (£0.50) per annum.
Five myths about the BBC TV Licence busted TV Licensing has a fleet of vans roaming the streets. The spectre of marauding TV Licensing vans …